วันจันทร์ที่ 29 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Cabinet hinges inside, outside headaches

Align the holes. Install the screws. Swinging door. Revel in the back door swinging in a job well done. Repeat if necessary. This was not the first time he had attempted such a feat.

Sounds easy, of course. Then again, this vote in Florida in 2000 (insert witty political joke here) has done. What a fool I was.

Lazy Susan For Cabinets

Well, I do not consider myself particularly embarrassing when it comes to do-it-yourself. I had an active role in planning and construction of our patio. I often help friends andNeighbors with their projects, and I never saved a professional called me when I was over my head. I never went over my head first.

Everything looked good start. We found the cabinet hinges and hardware that we liked, had ordered online and began the assembly of furniture. The wood finish, we coordinated everything perfectly. The cabinet knobs hangs without hook, and we made ​​earlier than expected.

Apparently notallowed. Or maybe things have gone so well is initially lull us into complacency. Anyway, we finally found ourselves again in an attempt to seemingly simple things, like installing hinges for furniture, get thwarted.

You might think that the installation is not exactly rocket science. It is not, but I'm starting to think that there is something to resistentialism - the semi-serious philosophical school of thought, anti-human attributes to inanimate objects motivation.

TheThe frustration began when we discovered that no matter how many times we have measured and fed things that we could not open the closet doors to keep straight. Not only a piece of furniture, and every closet with everything in place and aligned correctly - even with the constant use of a plane - has not worked a single cupboard door .. I am not exaggerating when I say that with the possible exception of the door last year we installed, we never took less than three attempts. The firstone took six attempts. I do not drink, but as the afternoon wore on, was fleeing alcoholic increasingly attractive. And my wife is unsure what caused its concern over: the potential shortcomings of a lathe increasingly attractive or frustrated, angry man holding a hammer that happened nearby.

It did not help that are not as rare as the prospects inherent in small spaces like the inside of cabinets, some of my tools were too long or complicated to bevery useful in the broom closet we are close. We also found the support of my tendency to fall screws and small pieces with such precision and skill that inevitably crashed and rolled in inaccessible places. (E 'a talent I have. State in 1991 did my first pair of contact lenses unusable in a more disgusting, if instead of using as directed, I managed to get a locked in a bathroom fall. Then, in an attempt to save the lens, I lost a pair of tweezerssomewhere in the show).

In any case, we finally enjoy the project to our satisfaction, and continue the new cabinets. The hinges are working without incident since then, although I think I heard her chuckle when I took my finger in the door of under the sink the other day. Any thought of going back to the suppliers of cabinet hinges have long faded.

The question, of course, is how others can avoid the pitfalls? Imultiple answers, some better than others:

First try. I'm not kidding. If before, we played the work-piece, we would have all the little unexpected things that we have discovered so frustrated. At least it would mean that a telescopic magnet to collect all the available hardware fallen, not to mention, the right tools for the room.

In a second call a professional. A person with immense confidence in his abilities as a craftsmanYou may find it difficult to swallow pride, but sometimes it is worth to smother the ego in the bud. Let someone else go through the frustration of furniture hardware, misaligned. At least they are paid.

Spread the third project over time. One of the factors that contribute to our disappointment was the pressure to complete the project quickly. Not everyone has the luxury of spreading a redevelopment project for too long, but if you do it yourself, it is important to bite off more non-than you can chew. This is true both for the design, as it does for the scope of the project. Give yourself more time to focus on small parts to help the project, the pressure that often compromises the quality of their work.

4 Take regular breaks. Aside from the emotional and psychological benefits to avoid the frustration mounting, frequent breaks to give your body a break important. Staying in one position for long periods leads to complaints, to adjustplanned wells, both the muscles and nerves a break. This is particularly useful if you can not live without checking the Facebook feeds at regular intervals. You would not want to leave the "Are you a potato?" Quiz just sitting there for more than 15 minutes, is not it?

5 Maintain a clean working environment. To me it's the hardest lesson to be implemented. I am a slob. A lovable slob, but a slob anyway. Minimize the clutter in your workspace makes it easier to search for works, and I do not mean just having left God knows where.

Others may draw their own lessons from my own experience. Account my blessings, despite the setbacks:

- Not once did I hit my finger (or whatever fragile) with a hammer;
- All internal disputes without the help of the toolbox have been content to perform;
- My 8 years, now knows how to treat different types of tools and hardware safely and properly;
- We were unable to permanently block in the cat> Lazy Susan cabinet, no matter how well deserved.

What is our next project? I will put some 'of my own advice and go on a small scale. My next project is lunch.

Cabinet hinges inside, outside headaches

